Saturday, June 14, 2008

Screwing up my computer

I did the unthinkable and cleaned my registry of Windows Vista Home Premium O.S. There was a lot of conflicts in the system and what did I do? I saved the files that were in conflict on my hard drive and then pressed the clean button. And after that I did defrag with a free software called defragger which I had downloaded. It freed up a lot of space and maybe screwed the system up in the process which was already screwed earlier by CCleaner.

The following morning when I wanted to play my audio CD, the system couldn't read it. Hey what did I do? I screwed up my system and I also lost my auto play on the process and God know's what else I have deleted. My word of advice is "DON'T MESS AROUND WITH THE REGISTRY" and what I did was I reinstalled back the registry files that I had in my hard drive and the computer can read my Audio CD but my auto play is still out.

When I tried to do a system restore, I had problem as the last restore point was after the deletion. Now I guess I have to reset my system back to company settings or as when I purchased it. The problem is that I am in Hyderabad and I left my external hard drive at home in Kuala Lumpur.

Not that the system is not working per se, but I somehow have this urge to put back all the drives or other stuff that I have deleted. Isn't there anyway that I can do that without losing all my data? Let me know, please.

I spend the whole of last evening until midnight trying to search on-line for help but it was of no avail. I will be going back home by the end of this month and then maybe I can back up all my stuff and use the recovery disc which I had created after running my system for the first time to reinstall my windows vista.

I hope I don't do any crazy stuff until then and be satisfied with the damage that I have caused. So my advice to you again is, if you are using CCleaner, be very careful and don't touch that registry unless you are an IT geek.


Anonymous said...

hi!!thanks for u'r sympathy..yes she's always in my heart forever...u'r blog is very nice..

Anonymous said...

hi!!thanks for u'r sympathy..yes she's always in my heart forever...u'r blog is very nice..

Lakshmi said...

this happens so often to me..hope it gets sorted soon .thanks for your comments in my blog, though I dont update it so often..the backpakker is my main blog and do drop in when you are free

Sukku said...

Thanks again and I will add backpacker on my blogrol...have a good day

Sukku said...

I just bought 160HDD to back up my system and I am going to do the inevitable and get into system recovery and reinstall windows vista...wish me luck....